

  1. The Administrator of the Personal Data (hereinafter referred to as Administrator) on the website at: ratecleaner.com and on the subdomain at app.ratecleaner.com, hereinafter collectively referred to as the Website, is a company under the firm TRAVEL MINDS spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością (a limited liability company) with its head office in Wrocław (53-025), Skarbowców 23A, entered into the register of entrepreneurs kept by the District Court for Wrocław-Fabryczna in Wrocław, VI Commercial Division of the National Register of Entrepreneurs under the number KRS 0000867363, NIP: 8992888262, REGON: 387412180, share capital 5.000,00 PLN.
  2. 2. With respect to your rights as subjects of personal data (data subjects) and to the applicable law, in particular to the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), hereinafter referred to as the GDPR, the Act of May 10, 2018 on the Protection of Personal Data (Journal of Laws 2019, item 1781, as amended, hereinafter referred to as the Act) and other relevant provisions on the protection of personal data, we undertake to maintain the security and confidentiality of personal data obtained from you. All Administrator’s employees have been appropriately trained in regard to the processing of personal data and the Administrator has implemented adequate safeguards as well as technical and organizational measures to ensure the highest level of security of personal data. The Administrator has implemented policies and procedures to protect personal data in accordance with the GDPR and the Act, through which it ensures the legality and fairness of data processing, as well as the enforceability of any rights to which you as, data subjects, are entitled. In addition, where necessary, the Administrator also cooperates with the relevant supervisory authority in the territory of the Republic of Poland, i.e., with the Head of the Office for the Personal Data Protection (hereinafter referred to as PUODO).
  3. All inquiries, requests or complaints regarding the processing of personal data by the Administrator, hereinafter referred to as Notifications, should be sent to the following e-mail address: privacy@ratecleaner.com or in writing to the following address of the Administrator: ul. Skarbowców 23A, 53-025 Wrocław.
  4. The content of such Notification shall clearly:
    1. indicate the data of the person or persons to whom the Notification concerns,
    2. describe the event which is the reason for submitting the Notification in question,
    3. present your requested action and the legal basis for the request,
    4. indicate the expected outcome of your request.
  5. In Website, the following personal data are collected:
    1. name and surname – such data may be processed when, as users of the Website (including customers or potential customers), provide your name and surname via e-mail, the contact form available on the Website, traditional mail or by telephone contact in order to use the Website offer and for the Administrator to provide services to you,
    2. telephone number – it may be processed in the event of telephone contact on your part as a user of the Website (including customers or potential customers), as well as when you provide your telephone number via e-mail, the contact form available on the Website or traditional mail in order to enable contact you in the event of such a need in connection with the provision of services to you, including in the event of unexpected events in order to propose the most favorable solution, as well as to answer questions related to the offer of the Website,
    3. e-mail address – it may be processed when, as users of the Website (including customers or potential customers), you provide your e-mail address in the event of contact via e-mail or the contact form available on the Website, as well as by traditional mail or telephone contact; via e-mail address you are sent a confirmation of the order of the services you will use on the Website, the Administrator contacts you if there is such a need, related to the services provided, in particular in the situation of informing you about deficiencies in the rate descriptions, as well as answering questions related to the Website offer,
    4. NIP – Tax Identification Number collected from entrepreneurs and individuals that request an invoice and have a NIP (TIN) number,
    5. device IP address – information resulting from the general principles of Internet connections, such as the IP address (and other information contained in system logs) is used for technical purposes, while IP addresses may also be used for statistical purposes, in particular for collecting general demographic information (e.g., about the region from which the connection is made),
    6. possibly other data may be collected as part of specific matters or may be provided by you as a user of the Website (including as a customer or potential customer) via e-mail, contact form available on the Website, traditional mail or by telephone.
  6. Providing the data indicated in the preceding point is necessary in the cases indicated in the preceding point, including in particular:
    1. in order to use the services offered on the Website, including without the need to register (create) an account on the Website,
    2. in order to provide the services ordered by you on the Website,
    3. in order to answer your questions and enable contact via e-mail or telephone,
    4. for the purpose of voluntary registration (creation) of an account on the Website; in such a situation, the Administrator stores the data provided by you to facilitate the use of services available on the Website in the future until you deregister (delete your account),
  7. The Website uses Cookies to adapt its functioning to your individual needs. The Cookies Policy can be found at: https://ratecleaner.com/cookies-policy
  8. Each of you, as the user of the Website, can choose whether and to what extent you want to use the services offered by Administrator and share information and data about yourself within the scope set forth in the contents of this Privacy Policy.
  9. In accordance with the principle of data minimization, the Administrator shall process only those categories of personal data which are necessary to achieve the objectives referred to in points 5 and 6 above.
  10. Personal data shall be processed for the time necessary to achieve the objectives set out in points 5 and 6 above. Personal data may be processed for a period longer than indicated in the preceding sentence in cases where such permission or obligation imposed on the Administrator results from generally applicable law, or when the services the Administrator provides are of a continuous nature.
  11. The source of personal data processed by the Administrator is the data subjects.
  12. The legal basis for the processing of your personal data is primarily:
    1. Art. 6, paragraph 1 letter b of the GDPR, i.e., indispensability to performance of the contract to which you are a party, or to take action at your request before concluding the contract,
    2. Art. 6, paragraph 1 letter f of the GDPR, i.e., the legitimate interest of the Administrator, which is the determination, investigation, or defense of claims until their expiry or until the completion of the relevant proceedings, if they were initiated within this period,
    3. Art. 6, paragraph 1 lit. a of the GDPR, i.e. your consent to the processing of personal data for specific purposes when other legal grounds for the processing of personal data do not apply.
  13. Your personal data are not transferred to a third country or international organization within the meaning of the GDPR. In the event that personal data are transferred to a third country or an international organization, you will be informed in advance, and the Administrator will apply the safeguards referred to in Chapter V of the GDPR.
  14. The Administrator does not share personal data with third parties without the explicit consent of the data subject. Personal data may be made available without the consent of data subjects only with public law entities, i.e., authorities and administration (e.g., tax authorities, law enforcement authorities and other entities authorized by generally applicable provisions of law).
  15. Personal data may be transferred for processing by data processors operating such data on behalf of the Administrator. In such cases the Administrator concludes an agreement on entrustment of personal data processing with such processors. The processor processes the entrusted personal data, but only for the needs, to the extent, and for the purposes indicated in the entrustment agreement referred to in the preceding sentence. Without entrusting your personal data for processing, the Administrator could not carry out its activities on the Website. The Administrator entrust personal data for processing to entities:
    1. that provide hosting services for web pages on which the Website functions,
    2. that provide other services on behalf of the Administrator that are necessary to ensure for the day-to-day operation of the Website.
  16. Personal data are not subject to profiling by the Administrator.
  17. In accordance with the provisions of the GDPR, any person whose personal data is processed by the Administrator has the right to:
    1. be informed about the processing of personal data referred to in Art. Article 12 of the GDPR – the Administrator is obliged to provide you, as a data subject, with information specified in GDPR (such as your data, contact details of the Personal Data Protection Supervisor, the purposes and legal basis for the processing of your personal data, the recipients or categories of recipients of your personal data, if any, or the period during which your data will be processed or the criteria for determining this period); this obligation shall be fulfilled at the time of obtaining data (for example, when the client places an order on the Website), and if the personal data is not obtained from the data subject but from another source – within a reasonable period of time, depending on the circumstances; the Administrator may waive the provision of such information, if the data subject already has such data at his or her disposal.
    2. access to your personal data, as referred to in Art. 15 the GDPR – by providing the Administrator with your personal data, you have the right to obtain access your data; however, this does not mean that you have the right to access all documents on which your data appears, because such documents can contain confidential information; but you have the right to be informed which of your data the Administrator processes and for what purpose, and the right to obtain a copy of your personal data, whereby the first copy is issued free of charge, and for each subsequent we shall charge an administrative fee corresponding to the costs of making a copy in accordance with the provisions of RODO,
    3. correcting, supplementing, updating, rectifying personal data referred to in Art. 16 of the GDPR – if your personal data has changed, the Administrator asks to be informed of this fact so that the data held by the Administrator is consistent with the actual state and is up to date; also, in case where there was no change in personal data, but for whatever reason the data is incorrect or has been entered in an incorrect manner (e.g., due to a typographical error), the Administrator asks to be informed in order to correct or rectify such data,
    4. deletion of data (the right to be forgotten), referred to in Art. 17 of the GDPR – in other words, you have the right to request " deletion" of data held by the Administrator and the right to request that the Administrator inform other administrators to whom it has provided your data about the need to delete it. You can request the removal of your personal data especially when:
      • the purposes for which your personal data has been collected has been achieved, for example the contract concluded with you for the provision of services through the Website has been fulfilled in full,
      • the basis for the processing of your personal data was only consent, which was then withdrawn and there are no other legal grounds for further processing of your personal data, e.g. if you no longer use the Administrator's service offers,
      • you have raised an objection pursuant to Art. 21 of GDPR and you believe that the Administrator does not have any overriding legal grounds for further processing of your personal data,
      • your personal data has been processed in a manner contrary to the law, i.e. for an unlawful purpose or without any basis for the processing of personal data - note that in this case you must have a basis for such a request,
      • the need to remove your personal data arises from the provisions of law, personal data relates to a minor and was collected in connection with the provision of information society services,
    5. restriction of processing referred to in Art. 18 of the GDPR – you can submit to the Administrator to restrict the processing of your personal data (which would consist in the fact that, until the dispute is clarified, the Administrator would primarily only store the data), if:
      • you question the correctness of your personal data, or
      • you think that the Administrator is processing your personal data without a legal basis, but at the same time you do not want the Administrator to remove your personal data (i.e. you do not exercise the right referred to in the preceding paragraph), or
      • you have filed the objection referred to in point g of this section, or
      • your personal data are needed to determine, investigate or defend claims, for example, before the courts,
    6. transfer the data referred to in Art. 20 of the GDPR – you have the right to obtain your data in a format that enables such data to be read on a computer and the right to transfer the data in such format to another administrator; you are entitled to this right only when the processing of your data was based on a consent or the data is processed automatically,
    7. objection to the processing of personal data, as referred to in Art. 21 of the GDPR – you have the right to object if you do not agree to the processing of personal data by the Administrator, which the Administrator has so far processed for justified reasons that comply with the provisions of generally applicable law; in particular, you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data for the purposes of direct marketing,
    8. not being subject to the profiling referred to in Art. 22 in connection with Art. 4 point 4 of the GDPR – on the Website you will not be a subject to automated decision making or profiling within the meaning of the GDPR, unless you consent to it; additionally, the Administrator will always inform you about profiling, if it should take place,
    9. lodging a complaint to the supervisory body (i.e., to the President of the Personal Data Protection Office) referred to in Art. 77 of the GDPR – if you believe that the Administrator processes your personal data unlawfully or in any way violate the rights resulting from the generally applicable provisions of law in the field of personal data protection.
  18. In regard to the right to remove your data (the right to be forgotten), the Administrator notes that in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR you do not have the right to exercise this permission if:
    1. the processing of your personal data is necessary for the exercise of the right to freedom of expression and information, e.g., if you have posted your data on a blog, in the comment section, etc.,
    2. the processing of personal data is necessary for the Administrator to fulfill of its legal obligations arising from generally applicable provisions of law - in such a situation, the Administrator cannot delete your data for the time necessary to discharge the responsibilities (e.g., tax-related requirements) imposed on the Administrator by the provisions of law,
    3. processing of your data is conducted for the purposes of investigating, determining, or defending claims.
  19. If you want to exercise your rights referred to in the preceding point, use the appropriate tabs on the Website that allow you to delete your account and data collected on the Website or send a message by e-mail to the e-mail address, or in writing to the correspondence address referred to in point 3 above.
  20. Each recognized security breach is documented, and if one of the situations referred to in the provisions of either the GDPR or the Act occurs, data subjects and – if applicable – PUODO, shall be informed about such breach.
  21. All capitalized words shall have the meanings assigned to them in the Rules of the Website, unless otherwise stated in this Privacy Policy.
  22. In matters not regulated by this Privacy Policy, the relevant applicable provision of law shall apply. In the case that the provisions of the Privacy Policy do not comply with the provisions mentioned above, the latter provisions shall apply.
  23. The Privacy Policy shall come into force on the date of publication on the Website.
  24. If the Administrator decides to significantly change the content and provisions of this Privacy Policy, he shall inform about the changes made by posting such information on the Website or by sending such information to the Customers at the e-mail addresses indicated during registration on the Website. All users of the Website should periodically check the Website and the page containing the Privacy Policy in order to familiarize themselves with any updates made.